The Tokyo-inspired Blank Refill, where the iconic silhouette of Mt. Fuji rises above the bustling cityscape, a symbol of serenity amidst the urban hustle. Immerse yourself in the sights and flavors of Tokyo as you explore its vibrant streets, depicted through meticulously crafted letterpress and foil-stamped illustrations.
From traditional houseboats to bustling public bathhouses, each scene captures the essence of Tokyo's rich culture and heritage. Indulge in the culinary delights of the city with images of sushi, ramen, anmitsu, taiyaki, and more, adorning the pages in stunning detail.
But the journey doesn't end there. Inside, you'll find a dedicated space to pen down your favorite memories and experiences of Tokyo, allowing you to personalize your journal and reflect on the moments that resonate with you the most.
With this Tokyo-inspired refill, every note or doodle brings you closer to the heart of Japan's capital, inviting you to savor its beauty and charm with each page turn.
Dimensions: 21x11x0.4cm
Made in Japan.
Sold out? See our item shipping in August